Shinkalion Change the World Ep 30: From Pain To Power

After a traumatic episode , we will once again focus on Morito as he deal with Ido’s loss and everyone else trying to cheer him up. I really like that the series is depicting guilt, anger and grief very realistic in this episode, completely different from the previous Shinkalion series. Morito once again show that he is one of the best developed character in the anime.

After losing Ido at his own hands, a friend he has held dear for so many years, Morito completely shut down. The guilt he felt from landing the finishing blow on Ido definitely crushed his spirit, and that turned into anger and bargaining. He was angry at everyone because they convinced him to become a Shinkalion Driver, and that they are trying to “console” him by saying they understand what he is feeling.

To be honest, it IS presumptuous of Taisei’s group to claim they understand what he feels, and it’s a very common trope in most shounen series where the mc be like: “I understand you, you’re just like me” kinda thing. And CTW take that trope and turned it over on its head. Making Morito shut everyone out completely and pouring some pretty harsh words out is pretty unexpected for me. I never imagine such a reserved and gentle boy can go completely off the rails like that. And the series did a fantastic job showing him in despair.

Well, Ina did sniffed out that it was Reiji that corrupted Ido. While there’s no definitive evidence, it’s obvious that the “program” they put in Ido was from Reiji. The “What do you want to do?” thing suggest freedom-seeking movement, and not being bounded by anything. The fact that Reiji put this inside Ido means that he was also in the same situation before. This might be the reason he left the hospital after learning more about the Unknown and ERDA in his incident. Furthermore, the voice of the Shinkalion Hades’ maintenance system(?) was no doubt Shinichiro Miki – who voiced Dr. Nabeshima’s AI assistant – Tenda. Tenda is probably taken after the doc passed away.

And Reiji finally made his re-appearance in the Hades. However, he didn’t really revealed much of his intention this episode. He just let himself be captured by the field and willing to fight the Shinkas. Maybe it’s his aim from the start – to destroy the Shinkalions. Would be absolutely insane if the Unknowns are failed Shinkalion prototypes or have something to do with the Shinkalion’s creation in general, and that’s why Reiji is so hell-bent on destroying ERDA.

Ina once again coming in clutch for the team by discovering Ido’s message for Morito, which really gave him the direction he needed to sort out his feelings as well as Taisei’s trust in him is very commendable – and very typical of him as well. I still think Morito’s temper need some adjustment and that they really turned him around too fast, but still it’s nice to see a very decisive fighting spirit from him. Hopefully he will get everything sort out soon.

And the Doctor Yellow return to the fray. This is the first time the Hades has fought against the Doctor Yellow. And CTW took a page out of the Super Robot hot-blood handbook and give us a “great”er transformation. The Great Doctor Yellow transformation is a variation of the SRG system, which includes 2 Shinkalion units instead of 3. We can see the extra parts have their own hands and feet, so we know it’s another Shinkalion. And the Great Doctor Yellow brings back the bulky style for it. Although the weapon hasn’t changed much and it’s basically the same sword, the finisher is still decently cool. I expected a different finisher however but it’s pretty much the same thing.

Of course the Hades won’t be destroyed right away. What’s funny is I think it got broken at the exact same place as last time – one of the arms. And Reiji left for now. Next episode seems like a deep dive into what actually happened to him inside the Metaverse where he got corrupted. At this time, it seems Ido will stay gone, but from the promo material, I’m hoping they will recover him back. Morito displayed an incredibly human emotions in the last 2 episodes and it really dramatized the series beyond the previous anime. If they can keep the emotion high like this and write great story arcs, I think CTW will be up there with the original when it comes to quality.

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