Mecha-Ude Ep 10 Review: Mechanical Puppeteer

The last boss is revealed in the latest episode of Mecha-Ude. An unexpected suspect that noone could imagine. A manipulative mastermind that orchestrated everything and control both the Kagami Group as well as ARMS. Even worse, he puppeteered the corpse of a beloved old friend for hundreds of years just to achieve power. And he’s closer to it than ever. His name: Fist.

Naohito did took his time revealing the secret, making everyone thought it was Yakumo – who might have somehow turned evil from corruption or something and survived for a few hundred years to grasp the power he missed. But it wasn’t. Turns out it was the Mecha-Ude on his shoulder: Fist – who was Alma’s brother. After the incident with Ordela, Yakumo and his brother passed away, and Alma was sealed. Fist then derized onto Yakumo’s lifeless body and resurrected it again. But still, Yakumo is still flesh and blood, and without life, the body cannot sustain itself and began to fall apart. And Fist mutilated his body – turning it into a cyborg to prolong his time, waiting for the day he can get what he needs. This of course shock everyone, including Alma – who never thought of Fist or Yakumo that way. In a sense, I guess Alma is relieved that Yakumo isn’t an evil mastermind, but he’s definitely confused and seething with rage since Fist mutilated his best friend’s body, as well as killing so many people in the process.

Another surprise is Amaryllis is still alive – which is a very wtf moment lol. I thought for sure Jun had crushed her, but her persistence know no bounds. She’s even more durable than a cockroach lol. But even so, with just some Arbitrium, she mechanized into a Devil Gundam-tier structure again. It’s sorta impressive to see how large Amaryllis can grow in just a short time. I guess that’s a testament to her greed.

But the most impactful moment this episode isn’t the reveal of Fist being the villain, but what he did right after. After claiming Alma back from Fist, Hikaru was…careless, so to speak. He didn’t expect how bloodthirsty Fist is. Fist unleashed a piercing beam that went straight for Alma, and Hikaru pushed him out of the way, and took the entire thing through his chest. Shortly after, on a hospital bed, Hikaru drew his last breath. His life seemingly disappear from his body. Of course, this shock every

With the new reveal that both the Kagami Group and ARMS were manipulated by Fist. They have unilaterally agreed to join forces to fight against Fist and Amaryllis. It’s a nice moment to see the White Ravens from the Kagami and ARMS team work together, although really ARMS’ sole combatant is just Aki anyway.

Jun is out of commission, but only his Mecha – Ude can break Amaryllis barrier so Tohdoh has taken it and send Jun away, but ofc our residential shipper maniac Shirayama found him and “encourages” Jun to turn back to fulfil her fujoshi fantasy. It’s really amazing that they can still fit in comic relief into such a dire situation, but yeah there are moments in this episode that makes you wonder if the stake is really that high.

But of course it’s not just camaraderie and fun, but also very epic moment as well. When Aki finally faced Amaryllis properly this time, she is still outmatched, simply because she couldnt use the full power of Sinis and Dex. Maybe because one person can only draw out one Mecha-Ud’s full pwer, and having two really hamper it. Well, the solution is quite easy: get another person that can unlock the other Ude’s potential. And it’s none other than Fubuki – which we all saw this coming. I wouldn’t be surprise if Jun and Naohito had another combo later as well. But yeah the twin fangs really give Amaryllis a run for their money.

And now, let’s circle back to our protagonist – Hikaru Amatsuga – who now lays lifelesson the bed. But you mustn’t forget: this is a shounen show – and we can see Hikaru’s consciousness going back to the first day he heard Alma’s voice. At the time, he ignored it because one part he thought he was hallucinating, and anothef because he was reluctant to take that step. But later on, when he heard that cry for help again, he did step up, and that has gotten him into dangerous situation, life-threatning..uh…life-ending one even, but he has also gained a lot from it. New friends, new comrades, a rival, a cause to fight for…and most important of all: the courage to take the step most others wont. I’m looking forward to his grand return and an epic fistfight with Fist.

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