Shinkalion Change the World Ep 34: A Place to Rest

After an intense clash last episode, the SRG E678 Shinkalion was beaten by the newly formed Chaos Shinkalion – which proves to be Reiji’s ultimate power. Now everything rest on Morito’s and Taisei’s shoulders to stop him. But Ina also find a way in on her own, and we finally get a conclusion to this arc(?)

The E5 and Dr. Yellow arrive, and it was pretty funny that Taisei arrive in his Trailer form – which definitely doesn’t have enough power to stop the Chaos. Morito arrive in his Great Dr. Yellow form, so he’s definitely more suited, but even together, they aren’t strong enough to fight against Chaos…well, not physically at least. Reiji asked Taisei why is he fighting and what he is fighting for? And of course the reasoning of “because I want to become a cool person to protect others” came up, and they both clashed ideologically about what that actually means. And Reiji said his ideals are empty if he couldn’t protect the discarded data in the Metaverse – and that Reiji was rescued by Tender, and that other discarded data was rescued by him as well. At this point, we can assume that the previous Unknowns also contain some form of discarded data in them, which is similar to Ido’s situation.

Of course, this enrages Morito, but Taisei calmly answered that no matter what, he will keep on protecting those dear to him, and that means stopping Reiji on his tracks no matter what. Of course, with those 2 Shinkalions separated, they couldn’t. So what can they do? Of course, they have to gattai! (in Kamina’s voice)

I’m not surprised that the E5 can combine with the Dr. Yellow, since they did it in the previous series too, what really surprise me somewhat is the name – it’s called Unite Shinkalion – which is a pretty unorthodox name for a 2-unit combiner. They prob ran out of naming ideas…as well as gattai gimmicks. The Chaos’ asymmetric combination was unique even though it reused the torso one leg and one hand, but the Unite is basically just the SRG. I don’t mind if it’s just a one-off or two-off thing, but the SRG leg proportion is really off. It has a normal body and head, while the arms and legs are super long and bulky. It resembles the Huckebein Boxer or Astray Powered Loader.

Even so, with the Unite, the two fared much better against Reiji and the Chaos. And OLM treated us to some DBZ style with some intense (but repetitive) blow-trading back and forth and very high speed. It’s kinda surreal to see two oversized Shinkalions throw out slashes after slashes with lightning speed. However, Reiji managed to get the upper hand still, despite Morito and Taisei trying their best. However, the pair was able to catch Reiji off-guard with a blast from the back(?) cannon, which is kinda funny since the cannon stick out like a sore-thumb, and Reiji should have known they were capable of using it. Once again, they blew off one of Reiji’s arm. He must have lost as many arms as Riddhe losing his legs.

But Reiji proved to be a formidable opponent still, even with one hand, he was able to beat down the Unite and knocked Morito out cold. Taisei was also barely conscious. But Ina – having able to hack into Tender’s location in the Metaverse – discovered a shocking truth. The discarded data, and Reiji himself, might be too late to salvage. The “tombstone” that Tender refer to is probably a giant database full of discarded and corrupted data that became the previous Unknowns. And Reiji doesn’t actually care about his revenge against ERDA, he just wanted to put the discarded data to reset – maybe by letting them revisit their original place, and to do so, he has to fight ERDA. And it seems Ina hit the nail on the head…since it definitely affected Reiji, buying enough time for Taisei to stand up again…

And just as I predicted…Taisei will use “that” to end this fight. As the Chaos Shinkalion emit an ominous aura and charge at the Unite Shinkalion in a berserk fasion, Taisei had enough time to unleash his last attack: the Gran Cross. in Unite Form, the Gran Cross should be at its most powerful. And we get a familiar frame with Reiji and the Chaos fading away under the absolute power of the Unite Shinkalion. We have seen this many times – a giant beam that is strong and bright enough to blind everyone and defeat any opponent. In the end, the victor was Taisei…but still, he fall soon after…

After a long and intense 2-episode battle, both sides are completely exhausted, but we can say that the victor is ERDA. However, the remaining issue will be how they choose to deal with Reiji and Tender as well. And the mystery behind the Unknown still isn’t explained completely. But at the moment, I can feel that the show is reaching its finale very, very soon. Let’s see how this play out. But Reiji has been a pretty incredible character…and definitely the most tragic one, if they really, really went with Reiji unable to be saved, we’ll have one of the best villain in recent years.

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