A more formidable threat appeared, so strong that it even caused Red to go full Hazard On. However, …
Mecha Article
Double trouble! 2 new characters are introduced in this episode and they are already looking disastr…
Lowji and Red’s conflict escalated as the team try to fight against the Lord. What is the meaning of…
The final battle with all Drivers present, even an unexpected returner. The ending is quite a bitter…
Sweet genesis Alabama! Momohime and Rimiya – who were siblings in their previous lives – are develop…
The party member doubles as a Princess and her Knight join the team. But not without a hot-blooded d…
Ringing Fate took us by surprise by hitting us with a extremely deep and emotional episode. Ookuma’s…
Momohime joins the team and become the only girl after Sayo. She appears to be a charismatic and per…
Taisei and Ina confronted Vina about her actions regarding the abandoned data. And it feels like a f…