Mecha-Ude Ep 11 Review: Together We Rise!

When all hopes seem lost, it is precisely the time for everyone to get together. When humanity is on the brink of destruction, they will set aside all difference to unite against the common enemy. And that idea is proven the best in this episode, with a small scale get-together as well as the crucial “everyone unit” moment that stir up your emotion for the final battle!

We begin with Jun’s party. Shirayama and 2 of her classmates got stuck under the rubble together with Jun, Kazuwa, Oner and Twos. They consider freeing Twos and Kazuwa’s mecha-udes from their shackles, but Kazuwa refused, saying that they are just mindless tools. A bit insane since Kazuwa has seen so many times what a fully sentient and cooperating Mecha-Ude can do and their potential when free are much, much higher than shackled. His pride is still getting in the way of their own survival, which is a bit too ridiculous for this point in the story. Twos is also reluctant, but she isn’t completely against the idea. I like that Shirayama showed no signs of surprise or fear and just jumped right in with the “megacorp henchmen” dudes lol.

Eventually, Jun and Kagemaru convinced Kazuwa and Twos to un-shackle their Mecha-Udes. And boy we get another funky pair. Twos’ partner is an extremely sassy lady who can’t stop talking, while Kazuwa’s is absolute cool guy – reminds me of Show Hayami’s Klein Sandman. He’s a bit like Batman actually. With the help of three Mecha-Udes, we got a pretty crazy escape plan that we usually see in some sci-fi action movies. I really like Adel’s character. It’s really good how they give the Mecha-udes in the series very vibrant and distinct personalities, and massive kudos to the voice actor who really bring them to life just through their voices. The Mecha-Udes have no facial expression (well, since they are arms), but they do have an “indicator” on their body like eyes, and their voices in combination with how their eyes move make very expressive characters. It’s a shame that the series is only 12 episodes, which means we won’t get to explore the side cast much further.

In the end, the team broke out, and Jun is determined to go to his “friend” – who is already on his deathbed.

I really like the solemn moment where Aki was beside Hikaru’s bed. It really shows her sadness and she was on the brink of tears. But Jun arrive with a glimpse of hope. And it was actually very badass of him to basically agree to sacrifice Asclepius to have a chance to save Hikaru. If he goes through with it, that means Jun will go back to being a sickly boy like before. And his life then was miserable, but he is willing to throw all of that away for Hikaru – which really get Shirayama’s love radar going lol. And it’s also very fitting that Asclepius – named after a God of Medicine – holds the key to revive Hikaru. Jun’s brother – Naohito – also accepted Jun’s resolved, as he now know that Jun will be fine on his own – and is no longer a “baby bird in its nest”.

And now, everyone comes together. ARMS, Kagami Group, Mecha-Udes, and even Shirayama and co. Everyone pouring their energy together to save one normal kid. Just one kid that was brave enough to take the first step towards saving the world. It’s very heartwarming and emotional and we need more of that in mecha anime, showing that every single one of us can chip in and make a difference.

Of course, Hikaru need to take that step in his subconsciousness again. But this time, Aki and Jun are there to encourage him. Of course, they are both impatient and want Hikaru back asap even if they have to drag him out of hell. I think Hikaru’s character arc really went full circle and now that he has matured, he will undoubtedly take that first step to go towards his friends who he want to protect.

And our final boss isn’t going to sit still, either. He flew towards Hikaru’s location and basically “dynamic entry” the site. Now that the stage is set, all that remains is a heated showdown between Hikaru x Alma and Fist. And Hikaru has got a new form as well – basically the Kamen Rider equivalent of a final form. And next episode will be no doubt an all-out battle between Hikaru and Fist. I’m not sure if Aki and Jun will join, but they’ve done plenty in these past episodes, and I’d actually be content if Hikaru solo Fist.

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