Shinkalion Change the World Ep 23 Review: You Got A Friend In Me

As we’ve mentioned before, one of the strong point of Shinkalion is the attention to the support cast. And ep 23 give the focus to a very surprising character – Delta – who isn’t even a Shinkalion Driver. Taisei’s train fan getting a whole episode for himself and it is the most heart-warming aepisode in the entire series.

We get a bit of backstory for Delta as well as his relationship with Ido – an information AI with less advanced programming compared to new ones like Vina. Delta has been conversing with Ido ever since he was young, so to him, Ido is more than just an information provider but rather a friend that he can share his passion with. The imagery that his entire friend group gradually leave, with only Ido and Delta left is kinda sad. We know that they are fans of trains and stuff too, but definitely nowhere near the level Delta was. Its also a very common occurrence in life as your fellow hobbyists found other priorities and just kinda…disappear.

And just like every software and AI in real life, once human has something more advance, more efficient, they immediately move to dismiss the old, obsolete version, and Ido is no exception. I guess that’s how fast the “generation 5” tech move, but just like Delta, we’re sometimes very nostalgic when it comes to things that we grew up with or spent a lot of time using. Retro consoles is a prime example. Delta is horrified by the thought of Ido being retired forever and set out to do something about it.

Even though this ep is focused on Delta, the main plot also get some progresses. And I didn’t expect to learn such a bombshell revelation. There was a student Shinkalion Driver before who “allegedly” passed away. But Reiji – potential driver of the Shinkalion 0 – was in a coma after an accident, and mysteriously disappeared after that and all search effort were not successful. From the footage reviewed by Ina, it seems the Hades shinkalion fighting style is similar to that of Reiji, and the series is hinting that the mysterious man might be Reiji. I think it might not be Reiji himself, but an avatar of him while the actual Reiji is still deep in a coma somewhere, and someone has misused his identity and skills for the Hades.

And the annoying Director is at it again. Now there’s 2 options: either is he’s just actually an ass and is trying to protect his position and ERDA by trying to bury everything negative about the organization. Or he’s secretly doing something to help Reiji and other Shinkalion drivers, since there seems to be downside to driving Shinkalion for an extended period of time. That’d be another Racles twist of the century. But I am leaning a bit more towards the first one. We’ll see how it goes. But they are very successful in making us hate him. While this type of blatant antagonization is a bit suspicious, Shinkalion isn’t too known for making insane plot twists, but maybe…?

This episode has next to no action, aside from a “Token fight” at the start to just fill stuff in. But it’s a very charming storyline with Delta – now we learn his real name is Morito – and Ido. Ina has proven to be a great addition to the cast due to her background with ERDA as well as involvement with all the Metaverse stuff. And she has worked out a way to help keep Ido functional even after the higher-ups want to trash him.

The scene where everyone join in to help is so cool and send heart-warming vibes all over. But it also highlight that…even though everyone chipped in and get everything perfect, some things just aren’t meant to be…But there’s always a silver lining if you don’t lose hope. After this episode, Delta/Morito has become a pretty important supporting cast, I’m not surprise if he’ll become a Driver in the future or maybe provide some Metaverse support. And furthermore, the plot line about Reiji – the previous Shinkalion Driver – is an interesting direction that they can pursue, although it’s kinda weird that we haven’t heard about him until this episode. Currently, we have enough to go 36-37 episodes at least.

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