Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture ep 2 Review: Sakuya and Sakura

Coming to episode 2, the story still has the same hype and interest after the epic start in episode 1. We learn more about Roze and Ash’s true relationship and reveal a bit of their past. For Roze, it’s “Saku”, and for Ash, it’s “Ash Phoenix.” Killing two birds with one stone, the liberation army wants to break into Abashiri prison to get weapons and free General Kuroto, and Roze wants to free her best friend – a substitute named Sakura. Of course, the only goal to achieve is to free Kuroto because otherwise, we wouldn’t have 12 episodes to watch.

General Kuroto – Leader of The Seven Shining Stars, former leader of Japan Liberation Front’s imperial guard. With such a huge profile, he is definitely the irreplaceable brain of the revolutionary army. However, he was arrested, and now, when he discovers that there is still a Japanese royal family member to serve, his spirit will certainly be reinforced. With the revolutionary army, he will take back Hokkaido.
Coming to Nameless Mercenaries, In this episode, we learned more about Ash’s personality. Although he is quiet, seems unapproachable, and uses actions more than words, he is also embarrassed when people of the opposite sex see him almost naked (literally the taste of some ara ara Onee-san who like guys who seem cold but are easily embarrassed and a bit shy). As for Roze or Sakuya, she used Geass on Ash. It’s unclear what specific orders she gave at that time, but we can be sure of 3 things. The first is that her younger brother is an important person. Firstly and secondly, he followed the wish of his younger brother named “Roze”, and thirdly, Geass disturbed his mind and made him unable to remember his true younger brother. Through Arnold’s flashback, we can be sure that Ash was very different before, determined and lifeless when controlling KMF. After Sakuya finishes “using” Ash, she throws away her “brother” because he no longer has any useful value, as well as because he killed her father, Jugo Sumeragi. However, through the trailer, viewers also know for sure that there will still be negativity. What happens next between Ash and Jugo I’m pretty sure Sakuya will hesitate at the end of the movie with his decision to kill Ash.
The action scene still maintains the same quality as episode 1. Besides Zi-apollo’s mobility and fast movement speed shown in the previous episode, in this episode the way this KMF uses 2 cable weapons on its chest cannot be overlooked either, it helps increase the machine’s mobility and take better advantage of the terrain. To be honest, I was looking forward to more of Valpnir and Alnord’s performance, but it seems he is too skill issue to win against Ash, and because of his failure in Ash’s previous encounter, KMF’s, he has up to 3 shields to protect the cockpit (and still useless).

It’s quite a pity that Catherine’s Queen Curaca still hasn’t shown much besides moving like a folk dance, but it’s okay. She’s still alive and still has a chance to show off soon. Moreover, when mentioning Code Geass, it is impossible to mention the Kallen-style cockpit scene, the cockpit is for the butt and boobs fan service scenes, unfortunately Haruka seems to buff only in the butt part (perhaps because there are already enough other big boobs female character in this part lol).

That concluded episode 2 – Rescued General Kuroto killed Arnold and still couldn’t rescue Sakura. People often say that the decision to watch an anime series or not depends on the first 3 episodes, and it seems that Dakkan no Roze has done well in that 2/3 part so far. I think the plot will eventually follow Ash realizing something is wrong with him, and Sakuya/Roze gets captured, and then we get the scene like in the trailer of Ash pointing a gun at Sakuya, who is tied up in a glass chamber.

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