Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture ep 4 Review: Old Faces and New Allies

The start of Act 2 couldn’t be more exciting with an episode full of cameos of characters from the main Code Geass anime. We also continue to informed about the current situation in Hokkaido, where Sakura has been appointed by Roland as a puppet queen, the Iwamoto and Tomi factions of the Resistance are forced to reunite with Kuroto’s Seven Shining Stars faction. as well as the plot to poison Callis are all in preparation for Norland’s bigger plan.

It starts with the scene where C.C and L.L are talking to each other in an abandoned castle about him giving geass to Sakuya. Perhaps there is no need to say much about the charm of this couple, even though they only cameo in this part, but the filmmaking team gave them the first minute of the film to say lines that literally did not affect anything to the main plot of this sequel (quite similar to srw’s dialogues and cool). This couple now looks like a young couple who retired early and traveled the world together. Lelouch’s outfit and accessories are somewhat close to Eastern Europe, Western Asia (geez he even has 3 earrings), perhaps after the Code Geass Lelouch of the re;surrection, C.C and L.L have still been around this area for the past 5 years or they are simply is to take time to slowly enjoy the journey together.

Coming to Cornelia and Nina, Cornelia has now rejoined the Black Knights, I think Cornelia only came back because it was something related to Britannia (even though she said she wouldn’t interfere too much) and then the final episodes Zero aka Suzaku will also cameo to attack Norland’s base. The person who probably had the most unexpected change was Nina, from a quiet, shy girl to rushing to avenge her princess. Now she looks a bit more mature but still also trying to fix the consequences of her past. With the F.L.E.I.J.A Eliminator that she has been trying to develop for the past 7 years will now be used to prevent many possible deaths.
Next is the Einberg side, the second surprise in this episode is that Damocles was somehow retrieved by the Norland faction, but in the original movie Damocles was flown towards the sun with the F.L.E.I.J.A contained in it. Is this a plot hole or will we have flashback scenes in later episodes to explain this.

And Narah – Einberg’s Schwarz Queen, in one of the rare scenes with her in this episode is sitting in her office holding a tablet and looking at pictures of her as a child. There is a photo of her with 2 blonde guys, and through the trailer we also know that those are the 2 Ash brothers, 3 people seem to come from the same orphanage, hopefully the plot will not rush too much that make Ash kills Narah before she can say anything to him.

Ends the first episode of Act 2, the Cameo of the old characters is a happy thing but this is Roze of the Recapture, Roze and Ash are the main characters of this part, as C.C said the main characters of the previous part will not interfere further with the story line and neither should we, the viewers. We should temporarily put the old characters aside and give the spotlight to the characters of this part. Haruka was the one chosen to pilot Keisetsu. Although her skills were still not as good as Ash’s, being given a good machine that could keep up with her abilities was also necessary for this campaign. Let’s see how the Seven Shining Stars will attack Damocles to stop a genocide of the Japanese people. However, looking at the guy that is meant to “command” this whole thing, you can tell this guy ain’t gonna enjoy the ride.

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