Mecha Profile: Aquarion Spada- Aquarion EVOL

Just like Getter Ro…I mean the original Aquarion, the Aquarion EVOL also has 2 other main forms for different situation and pilots. One of them is Aquarion Spada – a close-range oriented form filled with elegance. Its main pilot is Shrade Elan – a powerful Element afflicted with an illness that eats away at his life. But the sword of Spada is so powerful that it is invincible for the entirety of the series.

I. History:
 – After Amata awakened the Aquarion Evol and Neo-Deava began allowing males and females to interact, the Vectors also unlocked new combinations for the Element pilots. The Spada first made its debut in episode 6 with Shrade Elan as the main pilot for the first time. He was able to easily defeat the opponent using his powerful Element power and incredible skills.

– The Spada is the Aquarion with a very high win-rate, practically undefeatable throughout the entire series. There was one time when it came close to losing against Kagura’s Mithra Gnis, but was able to reverse the situation thanks to the Aquarion Gepard severing the gateway between Altair and Vega, making the Mithra Gnis lose power.

– Thanks to Shrade’s affinity with music, he was able to discern many things using his sense, including the melody of Genesis. He used the Spada as a tuning fork when traveling in the dimensional tunnel between Altair and Vega, and was able to reveal events from 12,0o00 years ago to Amata and everyone else. However, doing so drastically worsening Shrade’s health, which was already poor to begin with. As a result, he lost his life after playing the melody.

– The Aquarion Spada fought against the Ancient AQ piloted by Mikage alongside the Aquarion Gepard, in which the two performed a gattai together – forming the Aquarion Geparda.

II. Technical Specs & Armaments:
– The Aquarion Spada is mainly piloted by Shrade Elan – who possesses the Element power of sound. It is formed by the Vector Y as the head and main body, Vector Z as the legs, and Vector X as the backpack. Its overall appearance is similar to the Aquarion Mars, with a medieval knight aesthetic. It is slender and has a mask like a fencing mask. Amongst the Evol forms, the Spada is the one with the lowest energy consumption. Other Elements such as Zessica Wong and Yunoha Thrul has also been the main pilot once each.

– Due to its design resembling a knight, it is equipped with a sword and a shield. The shield is formed using parts of Vector Y. The sword bears resemblance to Aquarion Mars’ Seikuuken. Materialized by Element energy, the sword can also transform into a whip.

– Shrade – as the main pilot of the Spada – utilizes his ability as a genius musician and powerful Element power of “Mental Performance”, can unleash many powerful skills with the Spada’s sword. Most of his sword attacks are related to music, such as the “Moonlight Requiem” – where Shared, Amata and Zessica combine their power to slash the enemy and then deliver a finishing crescent slash. He can also use the “Moonlight Rhapsody” – where he focuses his power and deliver a powerful spinning slash. During the fight with the Dark Angel, Shrade turned the shield into an anergy crucifix, holding the enemy in place, then deliver a powerful slash to bisect the opponent. The attack was called “Crucifixion Sword”.

– The Spada can also unleash many ranged attack. The Spada can launch energy slashes with the sword or turn it into an energy whip to attack enemy from mid-range. When Andy’s power went berserk and created a nano-blackhole, Shrade was able to redirect the power and turned the Spada’s shield into a bow and the sword into an arrow. He shot the “Black Hole Arrow” to create a dimensional gate for the team to escape from Altair back to Vega.

– Spada – in particular Shrade – also played a key role in revealing the legend of Aquarion to everyone – especially Amata. Shrade was able to turn the Spada’s sword into a tuning fork, revealing visions and truths from 24,000 and 12,000 years ago to everyone. He then played the melody of the “Sousei no Aquarion” song using the Spada’s bow as a string instrument. Then he used the tuning fork as an arrow and opened the way for Amata to reach Mikono at the cost of his life.

– Aside from Shrade, Zessica and Yunoha piloted the Spada for a short time. Zessica was able to use the No Guard Attack. By tearing off their pilot suit, Zessica, Mikono and Amata were able to feel the enemy’s projectile on their bare skin, allowing the Spada to dodge all of the attacks launched at them. They then execute a Rock-Paper-Scissor punch and knock out the enemy.

– Like other Aquarions, the Vectors can operate independently from each other, and can form unconventional combinations. The Vector Y and Vector X can combine with both as the heads and arms, with Z as the legs, resulting in the Aquarion Geparda – where the Gepard’s head and arms are behind the Spada’s back. It was piloted by Cayenne Suzushiro – who inherit Shrade’s will – and Crea Dolosera along with Yunoha Thrul. The Aquarion Geparda can unleash a three-pronged attack using the Gepard twin cannons and the Spada’s sword called the Trinity Requiem.

III. Gallery:

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