Mecha Profile: Aquarion Gepard – Aquarion EVOL

As we know, Aquarion has 3 main forms, including the EVOL. Evol is the all-rounder, and Spada is the close-combat form, and the last one is of course focused on ranged attacks. The Aquarion Gepard is equipped with an array of long-ranged weaponry as well as many special powers coming from its Elements. And it stands out from the other two forms with some unique transformation of its own.

I. History:
 – After Amata awakened the Aquarion Evol and Neo-Deava began allowing males and females to interact, the Vectors also unlocked new combinations for the Element pilots. The Gepard first made its debut in episode 3 with Amata Sora as the pilot of the X Vector forming the head. The Gepard first fight was during a simulation, where Amata Sora made a very strong first impression by using his Element power to fly extremely high up in the sky, then drop to the ground in a Dogeza posture to apologize for making Mikono upset beforehand. The eccentric “move” was called “Dogeza orz”, which shocked everyone present, but managed to impress Mikono.

– The Gepard later participated in many battles against the Abductors, however, it’s most notable contribution are during the Altair invasion by Mikage as well as the assault on Altair by the Neo-Deava Elements. Jin Musou, aka Akbarjin Batbayar, who was originally a spy sent by Altair to infiltrate Neo-Deava, stole the Vector Z and escaped through the dimensional gate to Altair. But aboard the Vector with him is Yunoha Thrul, who managed to changed Jin’s heart with her feelings, and Jin returned to Neo-Deava to join them, but he was injured severely after suffering a psychic attack from Mikage . The Elements then formed Aquarion Gepard and Spada to fight against Kagura’s Mithra Gnis. Due to Mikage’s empowerment from beyond the dimensional gate, the Aquarions were having a hard time fighting him. But thanks to everyone’s support, Jin was able to channel everything he has left to unleash the Dimension Shutting Cannon – closing the dimensional gate and helped the Aquarion Spada defeat Kagura. This is the first time a sub-pilot of an Aquarion was able to execute a Hissatsu on their own.

– During the time where Mix, Amata, Mikono and Zessica was stuck on Altair, Cayenne, Andy and Malloy was able to use the Gepard to fire a Tunnel Bullet, opening a dimensional gate for them to go to Altair and rescue their comrades.

– In the final battle against the Ancient AQ, Cayenne, Zessica and Kagura performed a miraculous and unconventional combination and form the Aquarion Geparda – a fusion between Aquarion Gepard and Spada, to assist Amata in defeating Mikage.

II. Technical Specs & Armaments:
– The Aquarion Gepard is mainly piloted by Cayenne, Mikono and Andy. It is formed by the Vector X as the head and main body, Vector Y as the legs, and Vector Z as the backpack. Its overall appearance is similar to the Aquarion Omega, as well as the Aquarias that Neo-Deava used to field as standard mechs. It is the most unique form of all of Evol’s form having a full forearm underneath the feet. The Aquarias, and by extension the Gepard, was developed from the

– Its standard equipment is a machine gun, or 2 assault rifles. It also has missile pods stored alongside its body. In terms of equipment, the Gepard is very similar with many Variable Fighters from Macross – which are also designed by the same designer – Shoji Kawamori. The Gepard also boast low level of complexity while piloting, allow for all pilots to operate it easily and do not place a heavy burden on the Elements. Its role is to keep its distance and rain firepower onto its opponent.

– The Aquarion Gepard can also utilized its Elements’ power, such as “The Curse of Malloy” – imbuing its bullets with instability property, allowing the bullet to break down any materials it come into contact with. It can also use Sazanka’s “Hurricane from Rotten Girl” to corrode its opponent, as shown when it turned the Evol’s legs into rusty metal.

– The Gepard can also manifest extra weaponries – such as additional missile pods to launch an all-out barrage that can decimate an area. This attack is called “Bye-bye Missiles”. Even though it doesn’t use Cayenne’s special power of clairvoyance to foresee disaster. It can also create twin-barreled beam cannons on both of its arms, and more powerful head guns. It is a sign that Gepard was evolving closer to Evol and departing from the “mass-produced” form of Aquaria.

– The Gepard is also the only one among the three forms to possess an alternate form. First used by Jin Musou and later on by Andy W. Hole, the Gepard can turn into a turret form like the Assault Aquarion’s Armageddon formation. Instead of 6 legs, it only has 4 legs formed by Vector Y and Vector Z which turn into their leg form. In this form, the Gepard can unleash a devastating ranged attack by charging its arm cannons. Jin fired the Dimension Shutting Cannon to close the dimensional gate opened by Mikage, while Andy fired the Tunnel Bullet, which does the opposite of opening a portal to Altair. Both required tremendous power.

– The Gepard possesses a unique affinity with the Spada that it doesn’t have with the Evol. When the two are on the battlefield together, it is possible for them to “resonate”, although it could also be due to Jin – a citizen of Altair – to board an Aquarion from Vega, that created the resonance. An infinity symbol appear on top of the Spada and Gepard, enhancing their powers greatly.

– While combined with the Spada, the Aquarion Geparda can unleash the Trinity Attack – using the Gepard’s two arm cannons and the Spada’s sword to fire a concentrated beam of energy.

III. Gallery:

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