Series Recommendation: A.D Police: To Protect and Serve

The Boomers are loose, time to call the Advance Police!

A.D Police – aka Advance Police – is the anti-Boomer force often seen in Bubblegum Crisis, getting their asses handed to them until the Knight Saber arrives (with the exception of Leon, dude’s badass). But that is in Bubblegum Crisis, whereas in their own series, the A.D Police is a force full of talents and unique personalities that really shine in Cyber Tokyo. In the cusp of the year 2000, we get a 12-episode series about these policemen who put their bodies in armor and their lives on the line to stop the Boomers from getting out of control.

The plot revolves around Kenji and Hans – 2 unwilling partners of the A.D Police. One is a stern-faced and devil-may-care rebel and one is a flirty German cop with a past. Clashes of personalities is inevitable but somehow, they brough out each other’s potential as well as deepest feelings. Along with a squad full of unique members, they blast through Genom City cracking down on mutated boomers.

+ PLOT: The characters (aside from Kenji and Hans) doesn’t get a lot of background details revealed about them but their personalities and action speak volumes about them as a person and as a cop. All the characters are likeable, all the villains are detestable. We have some interesting relationship playing out too, same with Bubblegum Crisis, where humans and even boomers cannot survive without love.

+ Animation: Honestly, the animation isn’t as good as Bubblegum Crisis (both the og and 2040) or the 3-ep A.D Police OVA. In exchange, the character designs and the aesthetic is absolutely gorgeous. Everyone one looks beautiful and cool (including gals n guys of course). The animation is a bit sluggish sometimes. To be honest, the animation isn’t top tier, but it communicates a sense of “real heaviness”.

+ Mechanical Design: Characters aside, the A.D Police suit is very cool. Since it is the prequel of Crisis 2040, their equipments and suits aren’t that heavy but still they look coordinated and nice. The gun designs are top notch too. It’s like our sleekest gun in existent but even sleeker. There is even a long-barrel revolver. The boomers are not as “thick” as the Crisis series and are very uniform, but the cyberpunk design is ok.

+ Music: Great OST. OP and ED are bangers (especially the Ending). BGM in the series is nice too. It’s not on the level of the original Bubblegum since there was way more investment in OST back then, but I can tell the soundtrack is done with care and love.

+ Conclusion: A.D Police: To Protect and Serve is a prequel to Bubblegum Crisis 2040 which gives the law enforcement more spotlight and give us more understanding of the setting of the world. They really characterize the A.D Police and give them more personality than just “cannon fodders”. The story is well-written, the characters are nicely developed, and the soundtrack is amazing.

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