Mecha Profile: MiG-25 Spirt-Voz – Muv-Luv Alternative

The BETA War wasn’t the only war that the Soviet Union were fighting, but also the arms-race with the U.S in TSF development as well. As the U.S is quickly advancing their TSF research due to their technological prowess, the Soviet also had to response with new units of their own. Even though the MiG-23 Cheburashka and MiG-27 Aligatori was recently deployed, the USSR needed something more to match the States’ ATSF and LWTSF Program, and that gave birth to the heavy-weight assault TSF: the MiG-25 Spirt-Voz.

I. Development History:
– After 1980, having gained TSF development knowledge from the licensed production of the F-4 Phantom, F-5 Freedom Fighter and manufacturing their own MiG-21 Balalaika, the Soviet was eager to begin their own domestic TSF development and production so as not to rely on the US – an old enemy – for supply in the BETA War. But it was clear that they lacked the fundamental understanding and skills to rival the US, not to mention the BETA had been detrimental to their facilities and territories. This led to their next mainline craft – the MiG-23 and MiG-27 – being subpar compared to their Western equivalent (the F-14 Tomcat).

– In the meantime, the US had already started their 3rd-generation TSF development (ATSF Program) and the High-Low Mix initiaive (LWTSF program). This created panic in the Soviet Union, prompting them to start their own next-gen development plan: the MFPTI – Multifunctional Frontline Tactical Surface Fighter Program – which was a parallel to the High-Low Mix Initiative: developing a limited quantity of heavy-weight, robust craft along a high number of lightweight, affordable craft.

– The MFPTI Program used the YE-155 self-contained hive capturing prototype craft as the “High” part, which later became the MiG-25. The unit was geared towards high-speed assault with support bombardments abilities. However, Mikoyam Guluvich lacked the technologies to support these high specifications, leading to the program hitting roadblocks. The huge technological gap frustrated the Communist Party, and they resolved to making a re-design of the F-15 Eagle, based on the Soviet unique operational concepts. This was achieved by salvaging the remains of F-15 Eagles to research American technology. The new craft was given the formal designation MiG-25 and became the first first scale Soviet TSF since the MiG-21. It commenced frontline deployment in 1987 alongside the MiG-29 (formerly the 9/12).

– As a heavy and less agile craft geared towards delivering tactical nuclear strike for Hive capturing, the MiG-25 wasn’t favored by Soviet Union due to Hive capturing operation never succeeded and the war of attrition against the BETA was obviously wearing the Soviet down much faster. Replacement for the TSF with higher survivalbility – the MiG-31 Plamya-Lisa – was deployed by Mikoyam in 1990. However, the MiG-25 was most likely exported to several foreign nations and still used to this day.

II. Technical Specs & Armaments:

– There are no recorded height for the MiG-25 Spirt-Voz, but its frame is 20% larger than an F-15 Eagle, so it should stand around 20-meter, utilizing two K-18BD-300 Jump Units. These are high output Jump Units that are powerful enough to carry the unit along with large nuclear guided missiles to reach the stab of a Hive in the shortest distance and time as possible, as well as the ability to use those nuclear warheads for wide area suppression so the unit can reach the target safely. Once it infiltrates the Hive, the MiG-25 would unleash all of its arsenal – waves of nuclear attacks – to suppress the Hive in a short amount of time.

– Even though the craft is based on the F-15, the Eagle’s close-quarter dogfighting ability – which is a major cause for losses – isn’t present in the Spirt-Voz. The combat doctrine of the MiG-25 is almost a suicide blitzkrieg with tactical nuke to suppress Hives. A group of MiG-25 would charge straight towards a Hive, perform area bombardment as necessary on the way, infiltrate the Hive’s stab as soon as possible and unleash all of its armaments, which usually resulted in a one-way trip for the pilots.

– The MiG-25’s increased size gives it more frontal armor and airframe durability, as well as high-speed cruising abilities and increased cruising distance. The hardpoints on the forearm can be equipped with specially designed multi-purpose supplemental armor, to break through BETA groups around a Hive and in the stab. The iconic knife sheath on the forearm of Mikoyam’s TSF wasn’t included in this craft either.

– It is unknown if the MiG-25 possess mount-pylons on its back for Assault Cannons and Melee Blades, however, based on the purpose of the craft and its mobility, it’s highly likely that extra hardpoints for more strategic AoE weapons were used.

III. Trivia:
– The name “Spirt-Voz” is a nickname and isn’t its official name. It means “Alcohol Wagon” in Russian. The name was given to the craft on its first operation, which was essentially a suicide mission with nuclear weapons. Unit Commander Alseni Bogdanov had to use all the vodka at the base to “motivate” the Surface Pilots. However, even after this, the MiG-25’s survival rate would remain extremely low regardless of the type of operation. A myth persist that the origin of the nickname is because you won’t be brave enough to pilot the unit unless you’re extremely drunk.

– The Soviet pilots also mocked the MiG-25 by calling it the “SS25” – based on the Soviet’s ICBM SS24. Basically they treat the TSF as a glorified nuclear missile.

– The real-life MiG-25 Foxbat is also a supersonic jet used to intercept US’ supersonic bombers. The jet also shares similarities with the TSF as having really high speed, being hard to maneuver, really heavyweight and armed with powerful missiles.
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