Metallic Rouge Ep.13 Review: Curtain Calls
The conclusion that actually created more problems than the series started with. But we got to see a very well done battle with a pretty badass upgrade.
Metallic Rouge Ep.12 Review: Climax Of The Piece
Fists against fists! Neans against Neans! The battles we’ve been waiting for is here. At this point, action is all we need – as Metallic Rouge head towards the end.
Metallic Rouge Ep.11 Review: Last Minute Twist
With only 2 episodes left, Metallic Rouge still spend its time leisurely talking and setting up plot points. This episode contains no action and likewise no impact to the viewer.
Metallic Rouge Ep.10 Review: Space Road Trip
A silly road trip in space with Rouge with some emotional flashback. The gang has a new and rather unexpected addition. The final battle is looming over the calm before the storm.
Metallic Rouge Ep.9 Review: Revelations & Reconciliation
A balance episode with both action and exposition. Some beautiful visuals to accompany a ridiculous storyline. Nevertheless Rouge is heading towards the final battle.
Metallic Rouge Ep.8 Review: Going Rogue
From exposition to all out war, Metallic Rouge once again flip us on the tone and the pacing of the story. And it seems like everyone is going down in the next one.
Metallic Rouge Ep.7 Review: Saving Private Rouge
Metallic Rouge is reaching its end – the events are being dished out really fast, maybe even too fast.
Metallic Rouge Ep.6 Review: Murder on the Orient Express and Kamen Rouge-der
Hell Jaron decided to play a game with Rouge and Naomi. On top of it, a new plot twist, or is it just Naomi trolling?
Metallic Rouge Ep 5 Review: Fractured History
A lucid dream while Rouge was in the hands of a jester as Naomi raced to save her. A confusing history of the Proto-Neans open the doors to…more confusing stuff?
Metallic Rouge Ep.4 Review: Versus Green Scarecrow
The police force launched an assault on Wellstown’s Nean settlement, and Rouge faced off with Phantom Verde. An unfitting end for a mini arc.
Metallic Rouge Ep.3 Review: Freedom for tools and equipments
Out of the desert, our heroines try to infiltrate a Nean settlement, but has a disagreement and Rouge decides to infiltrate the settlement herself. What will come of this situation?
Metallic Rouge Ep.2 Review – A slight flex in animation
The mission of the heroines continues…on public transport. There, they are met with a handful of new faces, as well as mercenaries.
Metallic Rouge Ep.1 Review: A not very impressive first episode
Beginning of Rouge Redstar and Naomi Orthmann’s mission to eliminate the rogue androids. Does it live up to the hype?