Mecha Personnel Profile: Jun Kawagoe – The Crowd-pleaser King of Mecha reboots
Do you believe in Getter? If you do, chances are you also believe in Jun Kawagoe – the director that gives fan what they want and what they love.

Mecha Personnel Profile: Show Hayami – The Gentleman of Mecha
The voice of the best pilots and most gallant gentlemen in mecha, Show Hayami captivate boys and girls alike with his amazing voice acting.

Mecha Personnel Profile: Hirotoshi Takaya – A One-of-a-kind Character Designer
A man with many talents – creating character and bringing them to life on screen. Hirotoshi Takaya is responsible for many Sunrise classics that are fan-favorite till this day!

Mecha Personnel Profile: Kunio Okawara – The First Mechanical Designer
The first of many – Kunio Okawara is a household name for any mecha fans. From Super to Real Robots, he has had a hand in almost everything.

Mecha Personnel Profile: Kou Yoshinari – The One-Man-Team Animator
Sakugas are hard and usually required a team effort. But that isn’t true for the One-man-army Kou Yoshinari – a super animator that can draw sakugas by himself.

Mecha Personnel Profile: Hiroyuki Imaishi – A Director Whose Style Pierces The Heavens
Do the impossible! See the invisible! The person whose animated vision exceed all boundaries – the Director that gave us the “soul” of Trigger – Hiroyuki Imaishi!

Mecha Personnel Profile: JAM PROJECT – The Firekeepers Of Mecha
Listen to the songs of Mecha! If you watch mecha or anime, chances are you’ve heard their songs. The superband that keep the fires burning for mecha – JAM PROJECT.