Mecha Character Profile: Noriko Takaya – Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
The girl that stand shoulders-to-shoulders with the most hot-blooded men out there. Noriko Takaya is a sweet girl but also a complete badass when piloting humanity’s strongest machine – Gunbuster.

Anime Review: Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster – Love and Courage Across Space-Time
A tale of love and courage across space-time light years apart. A girl going through her teenage with all the hope, love, courage and grieve of a soldier.

Series Recommendation: Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
A short, impactful and gorgeous OVA, Gunbuster was Hideaki Anno’s first director work and definitely one of the best. A great starter for new and old fans.

Kit Review: SMP Alternative Destiny – Gunbuster
It took Bandai a few decades, but they have finally released the perfect Gunbuster model kit, completed with the iconic Cross-Arm pose.