Mecha Profile: Shinkalion Trinity – Shinkalion the Animation

Shinkalion the Animation featured many transformable Shinkansens with a variety of unique abilities and properties. Some can change form, some can use Ninjutsu, most can Link-Gattai between 2 Shinkas, and one can use AT-Field (yeah that AT-Field!). But there is only one that can perform the unique triple combination – the Shinkalion Trinity.

As the name implies, the Trinity is a combination of three other 700-series Shinkalions: the 700 Nozomi, 700 Hikari Rail Star and N700 Mizuho. Each Shinkalions has their own pilot, and they pilot the Trinity together. The driver for the 700 Hikari Rail Star is Gin Itsutsubashi, the 700 Nozomi is Jou Itsutsubashi and and the 700 Mizuho is Takatora Kirishima. And yes Gin and Jou are twin brothers.

I. Development History:
– The separate 700-series Shinkalions were developed at the Ultra Evolution Institute Kyoto Branch. While previous Shinkalions are able to perform Link Gattais, the three 700-series were created with a new concept – a Trinity Combination. To perform the combo, all three pilot needs to have adequate Compatibility rate of over 80%.

– However, the three pilots chosen for the Shinkalions weren’t exactly on good terms with each other. It took them some time and a Giant Monstrous Being attack to finally see eye-to-eye and perform the Trinity Combination successfully. Since then, the Trinity usually arrives in battles in combined form, instead of separated Shinkalions.

– After the first season, it is unclear if the Trinity or the 700-series are still in service. The pilots have returned to their respective household and pursue their own dreams.

II. Technical Specs & Armaments:

– The anime version of the Trinity is 28-meter tall (while the original is 55-meter – the tallest of all Shinkalion unit) and weights 140 tons. The Trinity has 2 set of eyes – main ones are green and top ones are orange. The 700 Mizuho form the main body, the 700 Hikari and 700 Nozomi form the 2 lower legs as well as 2 arms.

– The Trinity can use the Trinity Halberd – a weapon form by the Mizuho’s Driving Wheel Hammer, the 700 Hikari’s Crossing Gun and 700 Nozomi’s Shinca Blade. There are also 3 high-powered cannons on 2 forearms and chest. The Trinity can fire all three simultaneously to perform the “Trinity Strike” – its finishing move.

– The Trinity’s height and strength make it the powerhouse of the regular line-up. The only units that can surpass it in terms of size is the Cross Gattais of the E5 Mark II with the Doctor Yellow. The Trinity anime ver has 3 modes: Mizuho, Hikari and Nozomi mode even though it doesn’t explicitly switch modes, the toys have extra parts to do so.

– The original toys also include different head parts for the Trinity to switch it to Hyper Mode, Neo Mode and Mega Mode, which is the counterpart to the anime.

700 Nozomi
700 Hikari Rail Star
N700 Mizuho